
Presales Paradox: Are We Wasting Time on RFPs?

Rethinking Traditional Approaches in the Age of AI-Powered Solutions

By Elo AI Team

Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower


30 Jan 2024

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Elo AI Team



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Let's cut to the chase: the world of presales is changing, and if we're not careful, we'll be left behind, buried under a mountain of RFPs and outdated processes. It's time for a wake-up call.

Here are some hard truths about what's holding us back and how we can step up our game:

  1. RFPs: The Time-Sucking Black Hole
    • Reality Check: How many hours did your team spend last month copying and pasting responses into RFP documents? Be honest, it's probably more than you'd like to admit.

    • The Problem: RFPs often feel like a necessary evil, but they're a relic of a bygone era. They're typically over-engineered, ask for irrelevant information, and worst of all, they rarely reflect the client's actual needs.

    • The Solution: It's time to push back. Engage clients earlier in the process. Offer to run discovery workshops instead of filling out endless spreadsheets. And for the love of all that is holy, start leveraging AI tools like Elo AI to automate the mundane parts of RFP responses.

  2. The Demo Death March
    • Reality Check: How many times have you or your team given the same generic demo, only to see the client's eyes glaze over?

    • The Problem: One-size-fits-all demos are a waste of everyone's time. They don't address specific client needs and often leave potential buyers more confused than enlightened.

    • The Solution: Personalization is key. Use the information gathered during discovery to tailor your demos. Show only what's relevant. Better yet, create interactive demo environments where clients can explore the solution themselves.

  3. The Spec Sheet Showdown
    • Reality Check: Ever found yourself in a feature comparison death match, ticking boxes against competitors?

    • The Problem: This approach reduces complex solutions to a simplistic checklist, often missing the bigger picture of value and fit.

    • The Solution: Shift the conversation from features to outcomes. What can your solution achieve for the client? How does it solve their specific problems? Tell stories of customer success instead of rattling off specs.

  4. The Never-Ending POC
    • Reality Check: How many Proof of Concepts are currently lingering in your pipeline, consuming resources without a clear path to closure?

    • The Problem: POCs often become miniature implementations, draining resources and extending sales cycles without a committed buyer.

    • The Solution: Set clear, measurable objectives for POCs upfront. Limit their scope and duration. If a client needs more, it's time to talk about a paid pilot or implementation.

  5. The Technical Deep Dive Dilemma

    • Reality Check: How often do your SEs get pulled into technical discussions that have little bearing on the actual purchase decision?

    • The Problem: While technical depth is crucial, too often we let curiosity-driven tangents derail the sales process.

    • The Solution: Train your team to diplomatically steer conversations back to business outcomes. Save the deep technical discussions for post-sale implementation planning.

So, what's the path forward? It's time for presales to evolve:
  1. Embrace AI and Automation: Tools like Elo AI aren't just fancy add-ons; they're the future of efficient presales. Use them to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up your team for high-value activities.

  2. Become True Consultants: Stop being order-takers. Challenge your clients' assumptions. Bring insights and industry knowledge to the table.

  3. Focus on Outcomes: Shift every conversation from what your product does to what it achieves for the client.

  4. Continuously Educate: The tech landscape is always changing. Make learning a core part of your team's culture.

  5. Measure What Matters: Stop tracking vanity metrics like number of demos given. Start measuring impact on win rates, deal velocity, and customer success.

The presales function is at a crossroads. We can either cling to outdated practices and slowly become irrelevant, or we can embrace change, leverage new technologies, and elevate our role to true trusted advisors. The choice is ours.

What inefficiencies are you seeing in your presales process? How are you adapting to the changing landscape? Let's start a conversation and push our industry forward.

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SW11 8DD

Elo AI

Battersea Power Station
Circus Rd W,

Nine Elms,
SW11 8DD

Elo AI

Battersea Power Station
Circus Rd W,

Nine Elms,
SW11 8DD